Normally you'd have to throw a buck or two towards a street performer to get them to even move. So if you think about it this guy lucked out -- as did we!
If you’ve ever taken the time to really listen to street performers, you’ll notice that most are extremely talented, and unfortunately, they often go unnoticed. But these guys have brought street performance to an entirely new level of awesome, and they’re definitely gaining attention.
It's got a street musician. Playing an electric violin. And he's running it through an effects pedal. Watch this video and surprise yourself by actually enjoying it instead of cramming your fingers in your ears and running for the hills.
When we first saw this incredible street performer in Milan, he performed an amazing dubstep beatbox jam that positively wowed the crowd. What he does here puts that to shame.
What do you get when you pot together a little girl who can whistle like a bird and a famous Moscow beatboxer? The answer is an incredible street performance everyone wants to dance to.
New York City construction worker, Gary Russo, has a knack for more than just working a drill. During his lunch break, Gary likes to give back to the people with the gift of music by performing his favorite Sinatra tunes.
A homeless street performer does an amazing job of imitating Kurt Cobain's raspy yelp in this street-corner cover of the 1993 Nirvana hit 'Heart-Shaped Box.'