
Holiday Sock-Puppet Jamboree
Holiday Sock-Puppet Jamboree
Holiday Sock-Puppet Jamboree
If "Scottish Falsetto Sock-Puppet Theater" sounds like a mouthful, that's because it is -- and these mouthy, high-pitched puppets would like to throw some Christmas cheer your way.
A Velociraptor Takes a Stroll In Australia
A Velociraptor Takes a Stroll In Australia
A Velociraptor Takes a Stroll In Australia
Shoppers at an outdoor mall in Melbourne, Australia were in for quite a shock when they spotted a velociraptor being taken for a stroll by his trainers. The prehistoric beast, thought to have gone extinct 75 million years ago, didn't seem interested in shopping. He did, however, try to take a bite out of a man's cellphone. According to one of his trainers, this aggressive move was due to the rapto