This video of dozens of monkys feverishly going after potatoes during feeding time is hilarious. And adorable... And terrifying. It looks like the Apple store when the iPad was released.
The baby monkey Little Nala is like any human infant in that she needs a transition object to help with bath time. In her case, it's a stuffed animal.
Watch as she squeaks and clutches her toy pal while her human mom rinses her off in the sink.
This young chimp named Milou likes to entertain himself by spinning around in circles. Of course, lots of spinning makes Milou dizzy and before long he loses his balance and takes a spill (which actually seems to be part of the fun).
If you think you're having a lousy day, buck up. It's about to get better.
In this German-language news clip, lab chimps who've been caged indoors their entire lives venture outside for the very first time, reveling in the unfamiliar sensations of warm sunbeams and total freedom of movement. In other words, things the rest of us ingrates take for granted.
Chimpanzees are generally fearful of water, which makes the fact that Cooper the chimpanzee has learned to swim quite a feat. But that he's also learned to breathe underwater with a SCUBA tank is truly incredible.
Dodo, a two-year old male chimp who resides in a animal park in Thailand, has been trained to bottle feed the zoo's tiger cubs.
He's been doing this inter-species act of parenting for about a year now, although his trainer concedes that the young chimp sometimes ignores his feeding tasks and just wants to play with the cubs.