Marla Rosenthal

Man Internet Shames Rowdy Neighbors, Note Goes Viral
There are two ways of dealing with inconsiderate neighbors: you can tune them out, or you can take the much more fun route and internet shame them. That's exactly what London Borough of Hackney resident Oli Beale decided to do in the midst of a neighborhood soiree.

The Best YouTube Videos of the Week
It’s the end of the week, and what a mighty fine week it has been! In this week’s roundup of our favorite videos, we’ve got a farting doll, a Russian street musician who sounds remarkably similar to Kurt Cobain, and a dance remix of a terrible boat crash. You know, classic internet stuff. Let’s get started!

Hero Dog Ignores Handler, Saves Missing Doctor
We train our animals to be loyal and obedient, so it tends to irk us when our furry friends refuse to listen. But every once in awhile, we're grateful to our animals when they make the choice to disobey us. Enter Chase, Suffolk county's latest hero pooch and bad listener.

Clinton and Obama Feel the Love at DNC
After what went down between Bill, Hillary and Barack in 2008, we can't imagine the trio of politicians are all riding the Friendship Train to Good Times station. But if there's one thing people of any political affiliation can appreciate, it's a good old fashioned act of civility.

ESPN’s John Clayton Shows His Metal Side in SportsCenter Ad
For years, fans of ESPN's 'SportsCenter' have speculated that John Clayton has a ponytail. But even if you're just discovering the straight-laced sports-journo for the first time today in his ridiculously funny 'SportsCenter' spot, you have to admit, you're hoping that this milquetoast looking reporter is secretly awesomesauce.

‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ Recap — Highlights and Lowlights
Oh Honey Boo Boo, let down your pink hair! In this week’s episode of 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,' Alana and her mom hit the shops for a new wig to wear to the pageants, Sugar Bear assembles a tarp like contraption that we are assured is a pool, and the family enjoys a 4th of July fireworks spectacular.

The ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Nature Special Needs to Be Real
Did we call this one or not? Unless you've been hitting the campaign trail hard in the last few months, or are making some sort of political statement against your cable provider, chances are you've caught a glimpse of the southern fried crazy that is Honey Boo Boo child and her family.
And because television loves a good spinoff, what better way to embrace this phenomenon than with yet another H

Kellie Pickler Shaves Head for Sick Friend, Is Coolest BFF Ever
Kellie Pickler might be most famous for her time as the bubbly and slightly ditzy songstress from season five of 'American Idol,' but that could change after what she's done in the name of friendship. When Pickler's BFF, Summer Holt Miller, was diagnosed with breast cancer in June, the blonde singer decided to support her friend by shaving her head in solidarity.

Man Locates Stolen Laptop, Raises Funds for Teen Who Found It
It's not every day that a story about theft has a happy ending. But that's exactly what happened to Boston-based graphics designer Fran Harrington.

The Best YouTube Videos of the Week
It truly has been a great week for the internet. We've enjoyed delightful babies, experienced the joy that can only come from a politician with a sense of humor and learned what happens when you trick a bunch of people into thinking you're famous. Here are our ten favorite YouTube sensations of the week!

Absurdly Cute Puppies Get Transported in a Bucket
If there’s anything cuter than a bucket full of puppies, we don’t want to know about it, because we’re pretty sure we couldn’t handle it.
The owners of a dozen, newly minted dobermans decided that not only would using a bucket for transport to weekly vet checkups be handy, it would be absurdly cute. They were not wrong. Observe!

Maine Grandmother Gives Birth to Her Grandson — Find Out How
It's the typical American story. Daughter is becoming a first-time mom, and her mother wants to be supportive and helpful to her child. But that's where our story takes a 21st century twist. What happens when a wannabe mother has a health condition that makes it dangerous for her to get pregnant? Enter first-time grandma. Literally.

Teen Makes ‘Beautiful’ YouTube Music to Impress Girl
In the 1989 movie 'Say Anything,' lovelorn teen Lloyd Dobler stood in the yard of Diane Court holding a boombox blasting a Peter Gabriel song with the hopes of encouraging her to give him a second chance.
In 2012, the technological equivalent of wooing a girl appears to be the creation of a personalized YouTube music video.

7 Memorable TV Appearances From Olympic Athletes
Now that the medals have been awarded, the flame has been extinguished, and most of Team USA is back on American soil, you’re probably wondering what’s next for our Olympians. In the '90s, the definitive answer might have been “I’m going to Disneyland!” But today that answer is, “I’m going to be on television!”

SpongeBob SquarePants Dubbed Amoral in Ukraine
SpongeBob SquarePants has been called many things -- violent, adult, insane and rude, for starters. But one word the show’s creators might not have seen coming in the onslaught of descriptors about their show is "amoral."