Our favorite little animations are back. That's right, here is this week's roundup of the best gifs on the internet, the gifs that summarize our week or simply make us L.O.L.

We're still in denial that the Olympic Games are over, so we have a few gifs that will make you reminisce. We also have some funny gifs, some reaction gifs, and some gifs of LMFAO from our friends over at PopCrush. These gifs show our shock at Lance Armstrong's doping charges and our incredulity of Todd Akin's rape statement. We also have a gif that shows our dispair that Emma Stone has a boyfriend.

Take a look below for all the gif fun.

Thank god this wasn't the U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Team


Now this is how you do gymnastics


What Lebron at the Olympics looked like


The  double-team always works


Lol Wut?


How we felt when we found out Lance Armstrong is being stripped of all his Tour de France titles

How we felt when we heard Emma Stone has a boyfriend


How we felt when we heard Todd Akin's statement on "legitimate rape"


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