The greatest mystery surrounding food since figuring out how to remove the seeds from watermelon has been solved.

The Swiss funded a study to figure out just why Swiss cheese has holes in it (because it would be weird if any other country did it, right?).

Hold onto your Gorgonzola because here comes the knowledge: the holes are caused by teeny pieces of hay used in the milk that's used to make the Swiss cheese. That's it. We hope you weren't looking for something more elaborate because you're going to be disappointed.

It had traditionally been accepted that the holes were due to bacteria in the milk.

What's more, the famed holes in the cheese appear to be decreasing in size, too, over the last decade as older methods of making the milk give way to more modern approaches.

Does this mean a day may come when there are no more holes in Swiss cheese? We can't say for sure, but we do know our world has been rocked by this finding. What's next? Blue cheese dressing that's actually purple?

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