Woman Stuck in Freezer for Five Days
Woman Stuck in Freezer for Five Days
Woman Stuck in Freezer for Five Days
Last weekend, a woman in Oklahoma went missing and her family feared the worst. Fortunately, she was found alive several days later. So where had she been? Turns out, she accidentally got trapped in a deep freezer and may have been there as long as five days.
‘Gangnam Style’ Gets the ‘London Style’ Treatment
‘Gangnam Style’ Gets the ‘London Style’ Treatment
‘Gangnam Style’ Gets the ‘London Style’ Treatment
Another day, another 'Gangnam Style' parody on the internet. This time the video makers are putting a London spin on things, by going all around the city and doing London-y things, like drinking a cup of tea or riding on The Tube. Because London and "gangnam" kind of rhymes, we guess?
Woman Loses Nearly 80 Pounds on Starbucks Diet
Woman Loses Nearly 80 Pounds on Starbucks Diet
Woman Loses Nearly 80 Pounds on Starbucks Diet
Starbucks isn't especially known for its healthy eating options, but a Virginia woman claims to have lost nearly 80 pounds by consuming nothing but food from the coffee chain. If that's true, this is a diet we actually might consider ourselves. (But we're not giving up our beloved Caffe Mocha.)
10 Cool Kids Rocking Out in Car Seats
10 Cool Kids Rocking Out in Car Seats
10 Cool Kids Rocking Out in Car Seats
Admit it-- you’ve definitely been caught once or twice passionately lip-synching in the car with awesome dance moves to match. In between drum solos, you catch the guy in the car next to you laughing his pants off at your antics, and you not-so-casually look away, pretending you were just swatting at the non-existent fly that’s hindering your driving skills. Rocking out in the car doesn’t have to
Woman Emotionally Overwhelmed by Bacon Sundae [NSFW]
Woman Emotionally Overwhelmed by Bacon Sundae [NSFW]
Woman Emotionally Overwhelmed by Bacon Sundae [NSFW]
Thanks to Burger King, bacon sundaes are now a thing. And why not? The sweetness of ice cream and the saltiness of everybody's favorite cured meat is a wonderful combination. In this video, one woman's first bacon sundae results in a tidal wave of feelings that leave passersby shaking their heads (or shaking with giggles).

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