Election Day Jokes
Election Day Jokes
Election Day Jokes
Yesterday was the day for voting for in our Grumpy Cat Look-Alike Poll. Today is the day for voting for actual elected officials. (And in our Grumpy Cat Look-Look-Alike Poll, because it takes like a second. Seriously.) Here are the best memes about voting we could find, and we even tried to keep in nonpartisan, which was pretty hard, because have you noticed how people on the internet have strong
Patriotic Pups
Patriotic Pups
Patriotic Pups
We're huge fans of campaigning season, because America always comes together to create political memes, poke fun at candidates and make boring debates a little more interesting. It's country bonding at its finest! We're a little bummed though, because that season has finally come to an end.
10 Funny and Uplifting Hurricane Sandy Songs
10 Funny and Uplifting Hurricane Sandy Songs
10 Funny and Uplifting Hurricane Sandy Songs
Although New York and New Jersey were dealt a striking blow thanks to "Frankenstorm" Sandy, one of the best ways to entertain yourself while the power's out and to find solace in this horrible natural disaster is through the use of music. Occasionally, many of these videos will be funny too, because with events like these, you need to bring a smile to peoples' faces. So sit back and enjo
Kung-Fu Baby
Kung-Fu Baby
Kung-Fu Baby
We didn't realize it until today, but probably one of the best things about babies is that they can't beat the ever-loving bejeezus out of you. All it took to make us realize this truth is this video of a baby in a Bruce Lee jumpsuit going to town with fists of fury on a dragon.
'Grumpy Cat' Look-alikes
'Grumpy Cat' Look-alikes
'Grumpy Cat' Look-alikes
We realize we are facing an election of much greater importance than this. In fact, it's totally stressing us out. So cast a vote where it doesn't matter, and help us pick the best 'Grumpy Cat' look-alike. Yes, it's your duty as a citizen of these great United States to decide which of the following pouty folks most resembles the internet's favorite sour-puss. (Get it??) The winner will receive ab
Quidditch Beer Pong
Quidditch Beer Pong
Quidditch Beer Pong
Ever since the whole 'Harry Potter' franchise came into existence, our lives have become infinitely better. For starters, our cats now have adorable costumes to wear and we've learned tons of awesome spells. But there's one thing 'Harry Potter' has given us that undoubtedly reigns supreme in our books: Quidditch.
Jimmy Fallon and Christina Aguilera Make Office Supply Music
Jimmy Fallon and Christina Aguilera Make Office Supply Music
Jimmy Fallon and Christina Aguilera Make Office Supply Music
We already know Jimmy Fallon is one of the most talented names in entertainment today. Think about it-- he does a spot-on John Travolta impression in his 'Frankenstorm Sandy' bit, and he creates some awesomely smooth music with Brian Williams. But there's one thing he does best as part of his late-night show-- jam out with The Roots.
Who's Mr. Burns Voting For?
Who's Mr. Burns Voting For?
Who's Mr. Burns Voting For?
It's the day before the election, and the Mitt Romney endorsements are flying in! The first came from Joss Whedon (who strongly believes Romney can jumpstart the zombie apocalypse). This one is from 'The Simpsons' bad guy Mr. Burns (who is the cartoon embodiment of corporate greed)...

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