Well, we bet when he starts singing you think it's going to be one of those moments when a kid is really terrible, sort of knows part of the words, and then starts crying, but this guy is actually pretty good, at least when it comes to 'The Wrong Direction' by Passenger.

This kid pretty much steals the show, and the mic when he gets offered the chance to sing for some people who are watching a show in Australia, and the singer doesn't even mind. In fact, he's kind of blown away, and why shouldn't he be? This little tyke knows every word to the song. And it's a long song. And it isn't about brushing teeth or school buses -- it's about getting dumped.

Either this kid has got very mature tastes, or he has a big sister who never lets him listen to anything he wants to. Whichever way, he's super adorable and very impressive.

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