Fans of Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’ might find this video offensive, but hey, it’s comedy. ‘The Soup’s’ Joel McHale recently did a hilarious spoof in which he reenacts the ‘Happy Birthday David’ viral video from 'Prometheus.'

Naturally, instead of it being about Weyland Industries creating Artificial Intelligence, it’s about SoupTech Entertainment Systems creating “clip show hosts almost indistinguishable from mankind itself.”

The video is a hilarious view on what it takes to be a clip show host, things such as playing Hungry Hungry Hippos by himself and thinking about Ryan Seacreast and the Kardashians. He also mentions, “I can watch 70 straight hours of 'Duck Dynasty' without setting myself on fire."

Being incredibly well done and funny, it shows just why we’re all enormous fans of both Joel McHale and ‘The Soup.’ Watch Joel's parody as well as the original 'Prometheus' viral video below.

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