
Pugs Gone Wild
Pugs Gone Wild
Pugs Gone Wild
Pugs are some of the funniest pups around. For starters, they have a knack for eating peanut butter and dressing up like Avengers. The bulging eyes, heavy breathing, tongue hanging out-- they can't help but look hilariously adorable no matter what the situation.
12 Lost Disney Characters You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
12 Lost Disney Characters You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
12 Lost Disney Characters You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
A Disney animated feature goes through several edits and re-writes before it ever makes it to the big screen. Sometimes for the better -- without cuts, we would've seen a comical turkey voiced by John Candy in 'Pocahontas.' Here are 10 Disney characters who join Redfeather in the league of those who didn't quite make the cut.
‘Peekaboo Derrick Rose’ Is Your New Favorite Meme
‘Peekaboo Derrick Rose’ Is Your New Favorite Meme
‘Peekaboo Derrick Rose’ Is Your New Favorite Meme
Chicago Tribune photographer Amanda Kaschube snapped this picture of Bulls point guard Derrick Rose peeking from behind a pillar after a game in Miami last week. Chicago Side Sports looked at it and saw real potential for yuk yuks, so they made a couple funny pictures out of it in Photoshop. Then they opened it up to their readership, and things really got crazy. Check it out the Peekaboo Derrick
Best Friends Forever
Best Friends Forever
Best Friends Forever
Puppies and babies top our list of the cutest things in the entire world. They're both pint-size bundles of adorableness that instantly distract us in any given situation (see: tiny puppies or videos of munchkins). But did you know there's something out there even better than said distractions? Even more charming than dogs or tots? Well there is, and it comes in the form of babies being best frien
Cuteness Alert!
Cuteness Alert!
Cuteness Alert!
We recently presented you with quite possibly the most adorable group of pictures, ever. They were miniature, furry nuggets of cuteness that would be extremely difficult to top in the miniature, furry nuggets of cuteness category-- tiny dogs. Could it get any better?! Answer: y-e-s. America, we'd like to share with you our latest discovery-- tiny cats.
10 People Caught Mid-Sneeze
10 People Caught Mid-Sneeze
10 People Caught Mid-Sneeze
There are lots of awkward things in life. Take sneezing, for example. It's one of those things we just can't control, and there are zero ways to do so casually. It usually goes like this: you go for the huge "aaaa-CHOO," lots of nasty stuff comes out of your nose and you're left scrambling for a tissue while people look at you in disgust. It's just wrong. But did you know there's one gre
'Dick Tracy' Then and Now
'Dick Tracy' Then and Now
'Dick Tracy' Then and Now
'Dick Tracy' was all about Warren Beatty, who directed and produced the film, played the iconic title role and cast his real life girlfriend Madonna as one of his love interests. But the Material Girl was hardly the only superstar to join Beatty in the 1990 adaptation of the 1930s comic strip. See what the cast of 'Dick Tracy' is up to these days.
Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day
If you know anything about us here at TheFW, it's that we love any sort of furball, particularly those of the adorable variety. Tiny dogs, piglets in people clothes, you name it-- we're fans. There are also times when we sort of feel bad for our fellow animals. This is especially true when unfortunate haircuts are involved.
Best 'Bunheads' GIFs Ever
Best 'Bunheads' GIFs Ever
Best 'Bunheads' GIFs Ever
Here you were just thinking today is "Monday." Little did you know it's actually New Episode of 'Bunheads' Day! The winter premiere of the ABC Family show is tonight, so cancel ALL your plans. It's Monday, why did you have plans anyway? Clearly you should be at home watching 'Bunheads.' Here are some gifs to prove that we're right.
Dogs With Eyebrows
Dogs With Eyebrows
Dogs With Eyebrows
One of the best things about our pets (and animals in general) is that they have zero insight as to how cute and hilarious they actually are. They're adorably compliant too, like when we feel like dressing up cats in couture clothes or puppies in 'Star Wars' costumes. It's just what embarrassing pet owners do. If you're a fellow fan of said shenanigans, we have some fantastic news-- doggy eyebrows
Cutest Tiny Dogs Ever
Cutest Tiny Dogs Ever
Cutest Tiny Dogs Ever
We're huge suckers for anything involving puppies, like skateboarding Santa dogs or Star Wars pups. (Come on-- how could you not be?!) We're equally obsessed with anything in miniature form. So what happens when the two are combined? Holy moly cuteness, that's what!
Babies Vs. Birthday Cake
Babies Vs. Birthday Cake
Babies Vs. Birthday Cake
Babies can pull off the funniest stuff and still make it look ridiculously cute. Take the 'Evil Baby' meme, for example. How is the munchkin so mean yet so adorable?! It's a little annoying, because there's no way we could get away with those sorts of shenanigans. They can party well into the night, go a little too hard and still-- C-U-T-E!
Polar Bear Craziness
Polar Bear Craziness
Polar Bear Craziness
The Coney Island Polar Bear Club's annual New Year's swim looks like a great time. People in costumes, swimming, having fun. We probably should've gone, but there was that whole hangover thing to deal with. Which makes us wonder, does jumping into the freezing Atlantic ocean cure a hangover? If so, we're totally there next year.

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