
'Sesame Street' Worldwide
'Sesame Street' Worldwide
'Sesame Street' Worldwide
For over 40 years, The Muppets of 'Sesame Street' have been teaching children in the U.S. to read, count, recognize shapes and play well with others. Big Bird, Ernie, Bert, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch and the rest are nationally known superstars...
Snuggie Dogs
Snuggie Dogs
Snuggie Dogs
Listen, Snuggies are awesome. We know they're sort of strange, but when it comes down to it, the fleece onesies come in handy when you want to keep warm under a blanket and have control over the remote. It's multitasking at its finest.
Adorable Smush Faces
Adorable Smush Faces
Adorable Smush Faces
The window face smush-- it's something we've all done at one point or another, probably way back in childhood (or yesterday...). The great thing about it is that the face smash has one simple purpose-- to make people laugh.
Pet Lookalikes
Pet Lookalikes
Pet Lookalikes
Have you ever noticed how some pet owners look a whole lot like their animals? It's a strange phenomenon that can actually happen to anyone if they've owned a pet long enough. See, there's something about the human/furry friend relationship that causes a sort of morphing into one another.
Jennifer Rules the red carpet
Jennifer Rules the red carpet
Jennifer Rules the red carpet
We'll cut to the chase-- Jennifer Lawrence is awesome. For starters, she blew us away in 'The Hunger Games' and recently rocked her gig as SNL host. If you haven't heard, J-Law also starred in the Oscar-nominated film 'Silver Linings Playbook,' for which she racked up a nom for Best Actress.
The Purse that Stole the Oscars
The Purse that Stole the Oscars
The Purse that Stole the Oscars
Quvenzhané Wallis is the adorable girl who played "Hushpuppy" in the Oscar-nominated film 'Beasts of the Southern Wild,' and America's been going wild over the cutie pie ever since. (She just scored the role of Annie in Jay-Z's big screen update of the classic musical.) This nine-year-old (yes, NINE) is up for the Best Actress award at tonight's Oscars, and there's no doubt she's holding
Kids Star in the 2012 Best Picture Nominees
Kids Star in the 2012 Best Picture Nominees
Kids Star in the 2012 Best Picture Nominees
If you're not in the know, a movie has been "sweded" when somebody does a low-budget recreation of it. Now that you know, look at these little kids doing all the movies nominated for Best Picture Oscars. While these are not the most faithful swedes we've ever seen, they are pretty cute...
Animal Selfies!!!
Animal Selfies!!!
Animal Selfies!!!
We have no idea why, but animals are like, super talented when it comes to photography. Remember how they're master photobombers? That's just the beginning. Even though their talent is slightly greater than that of us humans, there are zero complaints on our end, because the result is always entertaining, adorable, strangely hilarious or all of the above.
Dad of the Year
Dad of the Year
Dad of the Year
Who's ready for 52 seconds of cute? Good, then watch on. In this recent video -- featuring a father duetting with his daughter to the popular 'Mahna Mahna' tune from 'The Muppets' -- YouTube user Jesse Teeters claims this to be his greatest achievement in the two-and-a-half years he's been a parent. What that says about his fathering skills, we don't know, but our guess is that the guy is being hy
Caught ya, rover!
Caught ya, rover!
Caught ya, rover!
We have some beef with dogs. How is it that they can get into loads of trouble, and we still can't get mad at them due ridiculous amounts of cuteness? It's sort of annoying, especially because most times pups know they're getting into shenanigans, but they do mischievous stuff anyway. Even then we still can't bear to punish the little buggers.
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
Valentine's Day is tricky. Most people either love the mushy stuff or dread it for weeks beforehand, so there's really no right way to go about celebrating the holiday. Lovebird festivities usually entail red roses, lots of chocolate and super sentimental things that make some people want to gag.
Animal Valentine's Greetings
Animal Valentine's Greetings
Animal Valentine's Greetings
There's only one thing that can erase all the hours of listening to people complain about how much they hate Valentine's Day. Can you guess what it is? It's looking at animals holding valentines! Let these pictures remind what this holiday is really all about -- putting your pet's head through a heart-shaped piece of posterboard. And hedgehogs. And otters. Happy Valentine's Day!

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