
Animals Hitchin' a Ride
Animals Hitchin' a Ride
Animals Hitchin' a Ride
We've gotta admit-- animals know a heck of a lot more than us humans do when it comes to stuff like photobombing, football, and navigating iPads. Humans usually overcomplicate situations, but our fellow four-legged creatures tend to keep things smart and simple, which of course involves massive amount of adorableness. Today we're talking about animals hitching rides on their animal brethren. Read
Abercrombie & Meow
Abercrombie & Meow
Abercrombie & Meow
Okay. Abercrombie needs to get on this. They need to start making adult human-sized shopping bags so we can walk around in them all day and look like we've been working out. For a more realistic effect, Hollister will do in a pinch. These cats have the right idea.
Biggest Rodent Ever
Biggest Rodent Ever
Biggest Rodent Ever
Just because something isn't tiny doesn't mean it can't be cute. Sure, pygmy squirrels, and baby bats are adorable, but so, it turns out, is the world's largest rodent. Sure "world's largest rodent" is probably something you would try to imagine if you were trying to give yourself nightmares, but that's probably only because you've never seen a bunch of pictures of capybaras -- the actua
10 Kids Struggling to Stay Awake While Eating
10 Kids Struggling to Stay Awake While Eating
10 Kids Struggling to Stay Awake While Eating
Being a kid can be super exhausting. Between all the playing and watching cartoons and giving presidential pep talks, it's no wonder tots get sleepy during the day. In fact they get so tired, not even eating can keep the munchkins awake. Luckily for us, this makes for ridiculously adorable results.
Happy Dogs
Happy Dogs
Happy Dogs
Does the reminder that it's Monday make you want to crawl up in a ball and just watch 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' re-runs all day? Don't despair, America-- we're here to help. Even though the work week has just begun, there are tons of reasons to smile. Just take a cue from these ridiculously happy dogs!
14 Cute Superbabies
14 Cute Superbabies
14 Cute Superbabies
You know how Superman and Clark Kent are the same person? It's pretty wild that a nerdy dude could turn into a super muscular, flying guy, but that's the awesomeness that is a superhero. It's the sort of cool stuff kids eat right up, which is why it's no surprise there's a whole group of Superman-loving babies taking over the Web.
Man Uses Senator’s Twitter Feed to Make Charming Marriage Proposal
Man Uses Senator’s Twitter Feed to Make Charming Marriage Proposal
Man Uses Senator’s Twitter Feed to Make Charming Marriage Proposal
As we advance deeper into the 21st century, a Senator's press secretary is at least as likely to be getting the word out on Twitter than communicating with the press in more traditional ways. So when Brett Wanamaker decided he wanted to surprise his girlfriend Beth Adelson, who is the press secretary for Virginia Senator Mark Warner, with a marriage proposal he had a pretty good idea where to find
Skeptical Baby Is on to You
Skeptical Baby Is on to You
Skeptical Baby Is on to You
Babies know way more than we ever thought possible. Sure the munchkins are ridiculously adorable and all, but don't let their cuteness fool you. Tiny kiddos are smart. In fact, we think they're onto us.
Cats With Mohawks
Cats With Mohawks
Cats With Mohawks
Here are some cats with mohawks. Why? Because it's a grey, bleak Wednesday, and you need a good laugh. Or at least a half-smile. Or maybe some haircut inspiration. Or not. Enjoy!
Check Out ‘Moonwalking Pony’ and Make Your Own Dancing Equine
Check Out ‘Moonwalking Pony’ and Make Your Own Dancing Equine
Check Out ‘Moonwalking Pony’ and Make Your Own Dancing Equine
Seriously, if this video doesn't make you smile, there is something wrong with the feelings part of your brain. Seriously, we went into this like "no dancing pony can make us smile, cuz' we're hard like that," but we didn't last long, no matter how much we thought about the end of 'Marley & Me.'
Cute Animal Odd Couples
Cute Animal Odd Couples
Cute Animal Odd Couples
Remember when we featured those adorably in love animal duos? That was cute stuff. But as it turns out, furry love knows no bounds. See, sometimes monkeys fall in love with tigers and raccoons develop a thing for kitties. Luckily for us, these strange combos also make ridiculously adorable couples.
Otters Just Chillin'
Otters Just Chillin'
Otters Just Chillin'
The catch is, an otter's "thing" that it likes to do is be totally adorable. They're guaranteed to make your Monday feel *at least* like a Tuesday, if not a Wednesday. Why don't you go ahead and scroll through these ridiculous pics?

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